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DR’s Secret 皙之密 SKINLIGHT 嫩白液 T3, 30 ml

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Total radiance concentrate with a perfect brew of botanicals
  • After cleansing and toning, place 10 to 12 drops* onto palm.
  • Apply with light strokes across face.
  • Use once or twice daily, depending on skin needs.^
  • For best results, use with Skinrecon T4.
    * For dry or sensitive skin, reduce the amount of Skinlight T3 and mix it with Skinrecon T4.
    • Kiwi Fruit, Grape Fruit, Sugar Cane and Orange Fruit Extracts

    Stimulate microexfoliation to encourage skin renewal.

    • Punarnava Root Extract and Kojic Acid

    Help inhibit melanin production for a bright and refreshed complexion.

    • Meadowsweet Extract

    Provide antioxidants and restore youthful appearance.

    • Honey Extract

    Soothes and lovingly nurtures skin.


    *因產品含天然原料, 產品颜色可能會有所變化。以上變化不影響產品品質。
    • 潔膚調膚後,取10至12滴*於掌心。
    • 以輕巧手勢均匀塗抹於臉部。
    • 依據肌膚需求,每日使用1或2次。^
    • 欲達最佳效果,搭配使用美膚霜T4

      * 乾性或敏感肌膚,應减少嫩白液T3的使用量,並與美膚霜T4混合使用。

      主要成分 :

      • 獼猴桃、葡萄、甘蔗和橙子提取物 - 幫助肌膚表層精微醒膚,提升肌膚代谢修護。
      • 蛇婆子叶提取物、曲酸 - 抵制黑色素生成、幫助提亮膚色。
      • 榆绣线菊叶提取物 - 抵禦老化對肌膚的傷害,讓肌膚看起來更年輕亮麗。
      • 蜂蜜提取物 - 充分舒緩滋養肌膚。